27 May 2020

Corona-Lockdown Spanish Edition - D76 - Flags at half mast

The government announced a 10-day period of mourning for the lives lost to Covid-19. It started with a minute of silence at noon and flags in all official buildings and monuments lowered to half mast.

I only heard about it on the news at lunch... but already a couple of weeks ago when I went into town there was a giant black ribbon at City Hall. And a minute of silence while at the supermarket on Saturday.

As we see the light at the end of the Covid-tunnel (this stretch of it at least), as we start breathing a sigh of relief as business reopen, we get to see our friends and families again, it feels right to take a moment to think of those who have succumbed to this virus. So often alone. To their families who couldn't say proper farewells. 

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Hey there! Yes you! The quiet one in the back... I'd love it if you hung out for a bit and shared your thoughts!

I might stop by your place with an answer, but I'm more likely to reply right here so click on "email follow up comments" if you'd like to see what I and others have to say and come continue the conversation! ;o)