19 Jan 2013

Musical ode to an octopod

Another little musical moment... this one I discovered via i09, a homage to an inquisitive octopus! I dare you not to smile! ;o)


  1. It looked a little slimy to me, but yeah, I smiled. :-)

  2. Who would have thought an octopus could interpret the music so well!

    1. I am no longer surprised by anything an octopus may or may not do! ;o)

  3. I just read the Kilimanjaro trip that Althea made. Thanks for pointing me in that direction, Cris! I was happy to read her experience. I did wonder what she meant when she kept saying that the pictures in the market were of "extreme poverty." Those people don't have much, but it sure wasn't extreme! :-)

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! :o)
      I'm guessing she didn't take any pictures of the extreme situation... It did look like what I was used to seeing in Mexico.


Hey there! Yes you! The quiet one in the back... I'd love it if you hung out for a bit and shared your thoughts!

I might stop by your place with an answer, but I'm more likely to reply right here so click on "email follow up comments" if you'd like to see what I and others have to say and come continue the conversation! ;o)