9 Jan 2013

Here comes the sun...

Just wanted to share this original Flashmob from an Unemployment Office somewhere in Spain (could be Madrid)...

Sunny day in Alicante today, lots of people need more Sun in their lives these days! Here's to them, here's to us.


  1. Well how fun was that?? Loved it!

    1. Lots of fun! I'd love to be in a place where a group of people started a flashmob and see one for myself! :o)

  2. Oh Cris I loved that. 'Here comes the sun' is my absolute favourite Beatles song in fact I bought a CD not long ago of the guitarist Carlos Benito because he was playing this song.

    1. It's such a lovely song! :o)

    2. Yes Cris I live in London and I hadn't been to the ballet. Shameful I know but I have now remedied that. I know I am spoiled for choice here and tend to visit the theatre to see plays or musicals. Thanks for your zillion comments, You really are amazing.

    3. Just slowly catching up on my blog reading... one blog at a time, reading what was written the past 2 weeks results in a zillion comments indeed! :p
      I have the opposite problem... I never see plays! I don't know how to choose one! Ballet on the other hand I'll go see just about anything! And when I go to London it's all about the Musicals... ;o)

  3. Loved this!! My husband was a Supervisor at a Michigan unemploymennt office...he would have loved for this to happen when he worked there. LOL
    I still want to come to Alicante to see my exchange student and family some day! I think of her and you often!

    1. The employees definitely looked pleasantly surprised! ;o)

      It would be really cool if you could make it to Alicante to see your student and her family, I'd get to meet you too! Fingers crossed! :o)


Hey there! Yes you! The quiet one in the back... I'd love it if you hung out for a bit and shared your thoughts!

I might stop by your place with an answer, but I'm more likely to reply right here so click on "email follow up comments" if you'd like to see what I and others have to say and come continue the conversation! ;o)