8 Feb 2013

When a Christmas plant GROWS!

This one's for DJan! I told you I'd show you what a poinsettia looks like when it's BIG!!!
This one is growing in the garden next to the house of one of my students and I love seeing it whenever I go to teach a class! 😎


  1. That's a first for me. I have never seen a poinsettia tree before.

  2. Yeah, these things look pretty amazing when they grow big! :o)

    Huh... I hadn't realised when I wrote a post from my iPhone that the photo uploaded was so small... I should have gotten a close-shot of the leaves... :p

  3. Aha! That is just HUGE! Thank you, dear Cris. I've never seen anything like it, and now I have, thanks to you on the other side of the world from me, but still one of my best friends! :-)

  4. That is simply stunning!

    1. It still surprises me that these things can grow so big...

  5. It's beautiful! I was so surprised to see them growing in flower beds here in Florida and getting as big as a shrub! They sure are pretty! I'm visiting from Kim's!

    1. I've only seen 2 this big here in Alicante, but I'm sure there are more in gardens hidden behind walls... It's really cool to see how the leaves start switching from green to red as Christmas approaches! :o)

      I'm glad you came by for a visit! Thanks! :o)

  6. Je ne pense pas me tromper en te disant que tu PRENDS le TEMPS de t'attarder aux belles choses de la vie. Eh bien, continues pardi !

    1. It's all about stopping to smell the roses Marc! Ou dans ce cas s’arrĂȘter pour prendre une photo! :p
      Et en effet, je n'ai aucune intention d’arrĂȘter! ;o)

  7. Wow! I had no idea a poinsettia could get that big, very cool! I'm visiting from Snug Harbor. Nice to "meet" you :)

    1. Nice to "meet" you too! :o)

      Yup, they can get pretty big! Goes to show what Nature will do when given enough space...

  8. Bravo !

    Ou Brava !

    Le monde ne s’arrĂȘte plus pour arrĂȘter !


Hey there! Yes you! The quiet one in the back... I'd love it if you hung out for a bit and shared your thoughts!

I might stop by your place with an answer, but I'm more likely to reply right here so click on "email follow up comments" if you'd like to see what I and others have to say and come continue the conversation! ;o)