21 Apr 2020

Coronavirus Lockdown Spanish Edition - Day 39 - Cacerolada

Whoops! The government really put their foot in it this time! 😒

Since it was first discussed on Saturday, families have been looking forward to hearing the government's proposal on allowing children outside to walk, run, get fresh air! And today was the big day, time to celebrate! Children up to the age of 14 would be allowed to go out with a parent.. when they went to the bank, the pharmacy or the supermarket, but not out on the street for just a walk. The thing is, in many regions of the country that was already allowed (if there was no one else in the house to leave the child with). 


Yeah. People were NOT happy about that. Kids allowed to go indoors to a place with a higher chance of catching the virus instead of being outdoors?!?!

And they let their displeasure known. WhatsApp messages flew around calling for a "cacerolada" (banging of pots and pans) at 7pm as a protest.

ALL other political parties (even those who have been supporting Sánchez's PSOE) disagreed with the decision.

And so the government has quickly walked that back, and announcing this evening that they will allow children outdoors starting on Sunday, as one of the measures to be approved in Congress tomorrow when they vote on extending the State of Alarm (and lockdown) another two weeks.

#stayhome #quedateencasa #restecheztoi

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Hey there! Yes you! The quiet one in the back... I'd love it if you hung out for a bit and shared your thoughts!

I might stop by your place with an answer, but I'm more likely to reply right here so click on "email follow up comments" if you'd like to see what I and others have to say and come continue the conversation! ;o)