Global Coronadiaries

Welcome to 2020. The year Covid-19 brought the world to a stand-still. A global pandemic has shown us just how connected we all are, wherever we are. We have found ourselves in a scenario most people imagined only happened in disaster movies: a highly contagious virus that can be transmitted by people not showing symptoms, against which we have no medication, no vaccines, no natural defenses. Mild or no symptoms for many people, serious for some, fatal for a few (elderly, with pre-existing medical conditions like being immunocompromised or with lung issues).

Some people have lost their jobs. Some people are working from home (more or less successfully). Some people are working on the front lines in grocery stores, pharmacies, transportation, sanitation, security, hospitals... Children are being home schooled by their parents (complicating the "working from home" part), teachers giving online classes, governments and cultural institutions are putting up educational and cultural materials on TV and online. People are making extra efforts to connect with their loved ones. Many people are losing their loved ones, unable to say a proper farewell...

Everything has gone online. Education. Sports. Music. Theatre. Cinema. Drinks/Coffee with friends. Meetings. Covid-memes abound. Unfortunately so does misinformation about the virus...

It doesn't matter in which direction you cris-cross the globe, you will come across people who have been impacted by this crisis. We all have stories to tell. I've been writing almost daily here. I wanted a space for my friends and colleagues who are spread around the world to share their stories. At first I thought of doing it on my travel blog Cris Crossing the Globe (a way to travel through friends' posts since I'm not going anywhere anytime soon), but then I decided it might be nicer to create a new space. To share experiences,  thoughts,  words,  images. Whatever we'd like.

Global Coronadiaries

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Hey there! Yes you! The quiet one in the back... I'd love it if you hung out for a bit and shared your thoughts!

I might stop by your place with an answer, but I'm more likely to reply right here so click on "email follow up comments" if you'd like to see what I and others have to say and come continue the conversation! ;o)