13 Apr 2020

Coronavirus Lockdown Spanish Edition - Day 31 - Catching up

Easter Monday... As my mom has been reminding me all weekend long, traditionally people around here (Alicante, Valencia areas) would have family picnics and go out and eat "la mona de Pascua", another traditional Easter pastry with a hard-boiled egg on top. My mom often tells us that when she was young her group of friends would go to the beach, and the game would be to crack the egg on someone's forehead to then peel it. Of course there was always that one jokester who came with a raw egg... 😉

4 day Easter weekend. From Good Friday to Easter Monday. Yup... Not that different from the other Quarantine days! Other than not having to log into work, something that is always much appreciated on a Monday!

For the past 2 weeks I'm afraid I've been neglecting the blog. Not feeling the energy in the evenings after work. Although in my mind I was posting regularly! (pity I can't just "think" these posts into existence) I was setting aside photos or memes to share. Make note of things to write about. And then evening came around aaaand "I'll just watch this movie and then sit back down at the computer". Nope. Books and bed! 

On the plus side, I'm devouring books like I hadn't done in a long time! Unfortunately not having much impact on my humongous TBR pile because one of the books I've read has led me down the rabbit hole of picking up other books from the same author that I've read before because they're connected - and just damn good reads! The book was The Land Beyond the Sea by Sharon Kay Penman (I've written about her before). Honestly she should put a warning on the first page of her books "Beware - finishing this book will inexorably lead you to continue with the rest of the author's collection".

I've also been doing quite a bit of baking... Today I experimented with making a "lemon drizzle cake" following a recipe shared by a Scottish colleague. Super tasty!!! Albeit a bit on the sweet side. Mental note: less sugar next time. And thank goodness for Google to help figure out substitutes! I don't think "self raising flour" is a thing in Spain (at least I couldn't find any)... Google kindly helped me figure out how to "make" that myself (just add baking powder, duh! question was proportions).

I will be catching up with blog posts from some the missing days (between March 30th and today), because as I mentioned I had things set aside for them. Today I managed to post Days 17-18-19-30. Hopefully I'll be able to do a better job continuing onwards. Although I am preparing a fun project for the travel blog, if I can get contributors.... 😉🤞

#stayhome #quedateencasa #yomequedoencasa #restecheztoi


  1. Gonna order the kindle version of Penman's book. Thanks!! :-)

    1. Excellent choice! Enjoy! But consider yourself warned DJan, it might lead to continuing down the Penman reading path! ;o)


Hey there! Yes you! The quiet one in the back... I'd love it if you hung out for a bit and shared your thoughts!

I might stop by your place with an answer, but I'm more likely to reply right here so click on "email follow up comments" if you'd like to see what I and others have to say and come continue the conversation! ;o)