28 Mar 2020

Coronavirus Lockdown Spanish Edition - Day 15 - Movie night!

What a lazy Saturday it's been... I can honestly say I have done nothing productive today! Not that I had any specific plans to, but I was hoping to get something done. But it's getting harder to get out of bed in the morning unless work beckons (weekdays). And then of course random stuff happens! Like a 90' FaceTime call involving a 15 month old who wouldn't give up the phone to either his mom or his sister (or at least not for long). Let's just say I am now very familiar with the ceilings in my sister's house! 😂😂😂 

Fortunately one thing I had planned did work out: movie night!!! My frequent cinema companions and I each set up on our TVs or computers the same film, I launched a four-way video call on WhatsApp - first time trying that option, worked like a charm - showed off our snacks (ranging from popcorn to brownies) and chatted for a nice long while. And then THREE - TWO - ONE - PLAY! 2h later and group call again to compare notes. One disadvantage compared to the cinema: one person fell asleep 15' before the end, tsk! tsk! We weren't there to nudge him awake! 😜

I've been told I should check out if Netflix in Spain has the "party" option, apparently you can watch it with friends in different homes and it will start it for everyone at the same time and you can comment or something... Might look into that for next weekend! Low-tech worked just fine this time.

Can I add, Tom Hanks is always a reliable choice for movie night? 😉

#stayhome #quedateencasa #yomequedoencasa #restecheztoi


  1. You must have watched that latest Hanks movie with him as Mr Rogers? It sounds like it was quite a success! I am beginning to look for some new ways to make myself feel better. This sounds like a great idea. :-)

    1. It was lovely! My friends were unfamiliar with the story, and they enjoyed it as well.


Hey there! Yes you! The quiet one in the back... I'd love it if you hung out for a bit and shared your thoughts!

I might stop by your place with an answer, but I'm more likely to reply right here so click on "email follow up comments" if you'd like to see what I and others have to say and come continue the conversation! ;o)